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800 Students Gather on World Food Day...


800 Students Gather on World Food Day to Package 100,000+ Meals for Disaster Relief

This week on World Food Day, 800 students gathered in New York and New Jersey to package 100,000+ meals for those impacted by recent hurricanes in the Dominican Republic. The volunteers spanned multiple grades and ages, coming together at their schools, Leman Preparatory School, Eisenhower Intermediate School and Rutgers Preparatory School. Reflecting on Rise Against Hunger’s commitment to ending world hunger by 2030, we are excited to see a rising generation so eager to join the hunger movement. From the hearts of young volunteers on World Food Day, read what motivates these students to take action toward creating a world without hunger.

Doing this makes us feel grateful. Some kids don’t get to eat, so we are glad to do this together.

-Eric & Alexa, 4th Grade

Some of the kids at the old school I went to didn’t have a meal to eat until they came to school. I’m excited to know that I get to help other kids in different countries eat something. It’s really cool.

-Julian, age 13

My favorite part is that I’m helping kids, so if I’m feeling tired or like giving up, I just keep going.

-Khalailah, 7th Grade

This is my second event. My favorite part is realizing how this food is actually going to someone to help them!

-Skylar, 6th Grade

We look forward to all that is to come from these young hunger champions! Are you inspired to take action to create a world without hunger? Visit our Get Involved page for more on how you can join the movement.

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