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“The Time is Always Right to Do...


“The Time is Always Right to Do What is Right.”

To honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., several Rise Against Hunger corporate partners opted to package meals to feed those most in need across the globe. Activating thousands of volunteers to make an incredible impact, these partners lived out the words of Dr. King: “The time is always right to do what is right.”

Partner FedEx gathered 600 volunteers across nine locations to package more than 140,000 meals. Rose Flenorl, Manager of FedEx Global Citizenship shared, “FedEx is proud once again to celebrate the life of Dr. King by supporting Rise Against Hunger. Our support for this initiative perpetuates our corporate and societal values, using our knowledge to make connections and deliver resources where they are needed most.”

Also committed to making a tremendous impact, partner BD activated around 1,440 volunteers in the days leading up to Martin Luther King Jr. Day to package 261,500 meals.

Furthering the impact made in honor of this legacy were partners RedHat, Apple, Johnson & Johnson and Turner Broadcasting, who combined packaged more than 68,000 meals, making an impact and Growing the Movement of those committed to creating a hunger-free world.

Interested in getting your own workplace involved? Find out more about hosting a Meal Packaging Event and getting your coworkers invested in the movement to end hunger!

The post “The Time is Always Right to Do What is Right.” appeared first on Rise Against Hunger.

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