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Bells Ringing and Meals Packaged at The...


Bells Ringing and Meals Packaged at The Wedding of West Coast Regional Account Executive

When Maya Azimioara started her journey at Rise Against Hunger in 2016, she never expected that years later her wedding would involve a Rise Against Hunger Experience that would be the talk of the town. What she did know was that she would always strive to impact and serve others. Read more below to see how Maya has demonstrated her commitment to the mission of Rise Against Hunger, her community, and her family and friends.

Maya and her husband, Alin.

How did you get involved with the organization?

I spent my last semester of college in Tanzania studying Sociology, and knew after that experience that I wanted to work for an organization focused on serving people overseas. As I studied development, I knew I wanted to work for an organization that values long-term, sustainable change, and Rise Against Hunger fit that perfectly!

What is your current role at Rise Against Hunger and what do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I am the West Coast Regional Account Executive. I support measurable impact by engaging new corporate groups in the Rise Against Hunger Experience. I also work with Community Engagement staff to support local lead generation.

What is your favorite memory from your time with Rise Against Hunger so far?

One of our corporate partners had an employee at their meal packaging event that grew up in one of the countries we distribute meals to and had been given Rise Against Hunger meals to eat. She spoke so highly of what the meals did for her community and was so honored to now be part of the packaging process! It was amazing.

What sparked the idea of hosting a Rise Against Hunger Experience at your wedding?

My husband and I wanted to enter into marriage by doing an act of service with our friends and family. It meant everything to us to have the people we loved most share our passion for people, and also take the attention away from us for a couple of hours. We also just wanted our guests to have a different experience than they’ve had at a wedding before, and one that could so easily have an impact!

What is your favorite part about working at Rise Against Hunger?

I love being able to work with people that are just as passionate and committed to our mission!

Joel Boucher, our San Diego Community Engagement Manager, facilitating the event!

The post Bells Ringing and Meals Packaged at The Wedding of West Coast Regional Account Executive appeared first on Rise Against Hunger.

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