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Water Relief in Post-Quake Nepal...


Water Relief in Post-Quake Nepal

Where there is hunger, there often is a lack of clean water. In Nepal, which was wracked by earthquakes in April and May, as well as subsequent aftershocks and the onset of monsoon season, more than 8,500 people have been killed, more than 650,000 were left homeless, and over three million lack access to clean water and sanitation. The devastating conditions contributed to significant increases in water-borne illnesses. A big problem has been diarrhea, particularly among the youngest and oldest populations.
To help provide clean water relief, Stop Hunger Now has contributed over 450 Sawyer® water filters directly to Wine to Water field operations in Nepal. Wine to Water is an international agency based in Boone, N.C., committed to serving in communities to provide water to those in need. In a time of desperate need, the partnership has provided a clean-water solution for over 5,300 people.
The Sawyer® water filter uses kidney dialysis technology to purify water to 99.99 percent. It can supply 295 gallons of water a day, enough for up to 250 people. The filter is portable, inexpensive, easy to assemble, and lasts at least 10 years. In addition to its ideal use for disaster relief, the filter also can be used in homes, schools, orphanages and community centers.
To help Wine to Water get more filters to people in need, Stop Hunger Now has added water filter assembly to our meal-packaging events. As a result, volunteer groups that package meals also can save lives by assembling water filters that will provide clean drinking water to help address the lack of access to adequate water faced by nearly one billion people.
“Stop Hunger Now’s support of the Nepal relief program has provided an amazing and significant impact to those in need,” says David Cuthbert, CEO of Wine to Water.

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