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2015: A Year of Milestones...


2015: A Year of Milestones

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2015 has been a landmark year for Stop Hunger Now in our work to end world hunger, boost education and sustainable growth in developing countries, and provide food and other humanitarian aid in response to natural disasters and other crises.
In May, we marked the packaging of our 200-millionth meal, a 10-year effort that has engaged more than 600,000 volunteers.
In September, more than 170 people gathered at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts in Raleigh, North Carolina, to celebrate the life and legacy of Ray Buchanan, our founder, and to raise money to continue his vision of ending hunger.
And in December, we marked the 10th anniversary of our first meal packaging event. We now have distributed over 235 million meals and aid to 71 countries.

Living Legacy

“Earlier this year, we had the opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of our founder,” says Jeff Truitt, Chair of the Board of Directors for Stop Hunger Now and an attorney in the corporate and commercial groups at Raleigh law firm Smith Anderson.
“Ray Buchanan has not only shown that one person can make a difference, he has provided a mechanism for all of us to make that difference,” Truitt says. “Just consider that as a result of a Ray’s vision: Already, more than 235 million meals have been distributed in more than 70 countries to schools, orphanages and even refugee camps; hundreds of clean water filters have been delivered; and tens of thousands of volunteers have become involved in the movement to end world hunger. And we are just getting started.”

International Crisis Response

This year, we continued to respond to international crises. We shipped 570,240 crisis meals each to Liberia as part of the response to the Ebola epidemic; to Sri Lanka in response to flooding; and to Ukraine for internally displaced persons.
In response to the earthquake in Nepal, we shipped 600,000 meals, $250,000 in medical gifts in kind, and 450 water filters.
We shipped rehydration salts in response to the cholera crisis in Haiti; 81,000 crisis meals for fire victims in Panama; six pallets of winter clothing from Under Armour for Syrian refugees in Armenia; 600 birthing kits to internally displaced persons in Afghanistan; and meals and other aid in response to flooding in India.

Sustainable Development

We supported the launch of a wells project, tilapia farming and aquaculture in Haiti, and the construction of a chicken coop in Uganda.

New Locations

New York Landscape
We opened Stop Hunger Now India, as well as new sites in New York City, Nashville and Peru.

Productive Year

This year alone, we shipped over 49 million meals to 31 partners in 32 countries, as well as gifts-in-kind valued at $14 million.
Throughout the year and across the world, Stop Hunger Now friends and supporters showed up in record numbers to grow the movement to end hunger!
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