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How to Fundraise for your Meal...


How to Fundraise for your Meal Packaging Event

Are you looking for a way to make a hands-on impact on ending world hunger? Host a Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event! To get started, your group — which could be a community of faith, civic club, workplace or school — should set a goal of how many meals it would like to package. After contacting your local Rise Against Hunger location, you will then be charged with raising money to cover the cost of meals packaged during the event — each Rise Against Hunger meal costs only $0.29 to make. For meal packaging events, Rise Against Hunger requires a minimum donation of $3,000 to assemble 10,152 meals. The most difficult part of the fundraising process is often figuring out where to start. Here are some suggestions that will make your fundraising efforts successful and painless:

  • The first step of any successful campaign is to set a goal for both yourself and for your group. Be ambitious, but also be realistic in what you and your group will be able to accomplish.
  • Letter writing can be a great way to get your message out to your friends and family. Try to personalize each letter. A letter or email gives you the opportunity to include why you are so passionate about raising money for Rise Against Hunger. You can always follow-up a letter in person or with a phone call.
  • Once your group has officially planned a meal packaging event, through the Rise Against Hunger website you will be able to sign up for a web page. You can share this web page on social media or through email in order to gain support and allow online donations to your campaign to reach your goal.
  • With your group, you can plan successful fundraising events in order to gain support, raise awareness and fundraise for your meal packaging event. Events such as dinner parties, golf tournaments, talent shows or 5K races are all effective ways to raise support from a large audience for Rise Against Hunger.  It is important to keep in mind that the amount and time spent in preparing for an event should be less than the amount raised by the event.
  • Donations for services is another successful way for your group to get together to fundraise for the event. You can work together for a donation request whether you rake leaves, shovel snow or wash cars. This can be both a fundraising and a volunteer event for you and your group.
  • For some groups, challenges can be a great way to fundraise for your meal packaging event. Simple challenges, such as skipping one meal or coffee each day (about $3 per day) can add up to $90 in just 30 days. Since many of the world’s most vulnerable populations live on just $1 per day, another challenge could be to set aside $1 each day. This will quickly add up, and is an easy way to raise awareness and funds. Another way to raise funds is at a birthday party or wedding shower asking for donations instead of gifts.
  • Sponsorships for individuals or for your meal packaging event is another great way to raise money. Events, such as Fun Runs, are an easy way to quickly earn money. Asking your friends and family to donate a certain amount for each lap or mile you run will quickly add up. Businesses can also donate, often to your meal packaging event, in exchange for being placed on a banner or t-shirt, for example.

Although fundraising the required $3,000 to package 10,152 meals may seem like a daunting task, the meals you’ll package will make an immeasurable impact on the lives of people in need around the globe. Please share what you are doing to fundraise for your meal packaging event with us on social media using the hashtag #HowWeRise. Your creative ideas will inspire other volunteer groups across the nation and around the world!

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