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Ask Congress to Prioritize Reducing...


Ask Congress to Prioritize Reducing Poverty and Saving Lives

Congress is back in session and making important decisions about next year’s federal budget. As Congress decides on its funding priorities, policies that help alleviate poverty in the United States and around the world may be ignored. With your help, we can make sure Congress hears how important these programs are.

Help set the agenda and influence federal spending by telling lawmakers to fund policies that reduce poverty and save lives.

Rise Against Hunger’s advocacy partner RESULTS can help you make this call and provide talking points for your conversation. RESULTS provides a script for your call and makes it very easy to connect with your members of Congress. Go to the RESULTS page to take action now!

Read more about Rise Against Hunger’s policy priorities for 2019.

Ready to Champion the Cause?

As an advocate, you’ll develop a greater awareness of hunger policy and the impact of advocacy as you gain the skills you need to take action. We’ll work to ensure that policymakers enact stronger, more effective hunger legislation.

Please sign our Advocacy pledge. Let’s join our voices and urge our political leaders to make hunger, poverty and increased opportunity a priority. Together, we can create the political will to put the world on track to end hunger.

The post Ask Congress to Prioritize Reducing Poverty and Saving Lives appeared first on Rise Against Hunger.

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