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Dola Mohapatra

Dola Mohapatra, currently serving as the Executive Director of Rise Against Hunger India, has been associated with social sector for over 3 decades and has worked in several parts of the world in both stable and emergency setting. He is passionate about working with local groups to achieve sustainable solutions.

#BeBoldForChange on International Women's Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day, and this year, the focus is #BeBoldForChange. Daily, women all over the world practice […]

Posted on March 8, 2017 - 10:25 am by Read more

Partnering with Elected Officials to Build the Political Will to End Hunger

Rise Against Hunger is committed to engaging and empowering people toward changing laws, policies, systems and attitudes to end hunger […]

Posted on March 2, 2017 - 10:07 am by Read more

Making a Deeper Impact with the Help of our NGO Partners

Today we celebrate World NGO Day, recognizing non-governmental organizations (NGO) and the positive impact they make around the globe each […]

Posted on February 27, 2017 - 12:42 pm by Read more

Haitian Brothers Overcome Abandonment, Malnutrition

It’s hard to imagine a mother walking away from two young sons. But it happened to Maliel and Djobany. They […]

Posted on February 24, 2017 - 10:18 am by Read more

Will You Rise to Accept the UN’s Zero Hunger Challenge?

Rise Against Hunger is working alongside the UN to provide access to social justice and end world hunger by 2030. We focus on establishing equality in access to nutritious food for all people.

Posted on February 20, 2017 - 4:49 pm by Read more

Nutrition a “Crucial Starting Point” to Addressing Poverty in Mateare, Nicaragua

When Camila, age 4, visited the health care post in her town of Mateare, Nicaragua, the medical staff discovered that […]

Posted on February 16, 2017 - 3:54 pm by Read more