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Dola Mohapatra

Dola Mohapatra, currently serving as the Executive Director of Rise Against Hunger India, has been associated with social sector for over 3 decades and has worked in several parts of the world in both stable and emergency setting. He is passionate about working with local groups to achieve sustainable solutions.

Mississippi Conference Hits 1 Million Meals

Mission accomplished! Mississippi United Methodists celebrated reaching their one million meals goal for Stop Hunger Now during the 2015 annual conference […]

Posted on July 23, 2015 - 4:33 pm by Read more

Protiviti provides over 1 million meals

On June 15, at a meal-packaging event it hosted in Orlando with it’s incoming class of 2015 summer interns, global […]

Posted on July 21, 2015 - 8:01 pm by Read more

Baking the world a better place

“Baking the World a Better Place,” a campaign the Stop Hunger Now and Red Star Yeast launched in October 2014 to […]

Posted on July 21, 2015 - 7:46 pm by Read more

Visiting Vietnam: Finding Transformation & Inspiration

Food is helping to change the lives of hungry children in Vietnam. In May, a team from Stop Hunger Now […]

Posted on July 21, 2015 - 7:35 pm by Read more

Rotarians Help Make Hunger History

Stop Hunger Now, meal packaging and efforts to end world hunger were in the spotlight in June at the 106th […]

Posted on July 21, 2015 - 6:11 pm by Read more

South Africa’s Million Meal Challenge for Mandela Day

What can you do in just 67 minutes? That’s the question being asked across South Africa as Nelson Mandela Day […]

Posted on July 16, 2015 - 2:56 pm by Read more