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Kraft Heinz India & Stop Hunger Now Launch Healthcare Outreach in India

Serving people in need in remote areas of India is the focus of a new partnership between the Kraft Heinz […]

Posted on October 1, 2015 - 6:43 pm by Read more

Turning Classroom Knowledge into World-Changing Experiences

When Megan Fruchte was a high school freshman, a representative of Stop Hunger Now visited the school and spoke to […]

Posted on October 1, 2015 - 6:27 pm by Read more

This 14-Year-Old Is Tackling Our World's Biggest Problems

In 2005, four-year-old Joshua Williams saw a homeless man in downtown Miami. Moved by poverty’s human face, Joshua told his […]

Posted on October 1, 2015 - 12:25 am by Read more

Meal packaging's tangible impact

Stop Hunger Now’s meal packaging can mean the difference between malnourishment and hope for ultra -poor families. Meals packaged at […]

Posted on August 20, 2015 - 6:47 pm by Read more

Courage and prayer on Ebola's front lines

Ebola virus disease is a scourge in West Africa, where the toll from the most recent outbreak totals nearly 28,000 […]

Posted on August 20, 2015 - 6:46 pm by Read more

Water Relief in Post-Quake Nepal

Where there is hunger, there often is a lack of clean water. In Nepal, which was wracked by earthquakes in […]

Posted on August 20, 2015 - 6:45 pm by Read more