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Dining Out to End Hunger...


Dining Out to End Hunger

Stop Hunger Now’s partnership with Zambrero, a Mexican-food franchise based in Australia, was the focus of an article April 2 in the U.S. edition of The Guardian, the London-based news organization.
Through its Plate4Plate program, for every purchase of one of its burritos or bowls Zambrero funds the cost of ingredients for Stop Hunger Now meals. And through its partnership with Stop Hunger Now, Zambrero donated 4.3 million meals in the previous 18 months, The Guardian reported.
Since it was founded in 2005 by Dr. Sam Prince, a Canberra medical student, Zambrero’s focus on charity had shifted from supplying developing countries with school equipment to the more ambitious goal of reducing global hunger, CEO Stuart Cook told the newspaper.
Stop Hunger Now CEO Rod Brooks told The Guardian Australia that world hunger could be ended by 2030. “There’s enough food in the world to feed every single person,” he said.
Zambrero is one of Stop Hunger Now’s strongest corporate partners. In the past year, their funding for our programs has provided ingredients for over 2.7 million meals, while supporting feeding programs for the ORPHANetwork in Nicaragua and disaster relief in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan in The Phillippines.

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