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Food and Hope for Kids in Honduras...


Food and Hope for Kids in Honduras

Honduras 2011 Mission LazarusFor children living in hunger and poverty in Honduras, meals packaged by Stop Hunger Now can mean better nutrition and health, as well as hope for a brighter future. Through Leonarda’s Home of Hope, a Stop Hunger Now partner in Honduras, children are getting nutritious meals at Clinica de los Andeles, at Comunión H, an orphanage in Limón, and at El Parasico School.
In 2003, Evelyn and Jose Castellar began Clinica de los Andeles, a small, free clinic that now serves more than 50 communities through Honduras, including neglected inhabitants living in the mountains and deep “cloud forests.” The clinics send a two-week supply of food home to feed severely malnourished children. To receive more food, a follow-up visit is required.
In many cases, Evelyn Castellar says, meals from Stop Hunger Now are “a key factor in saving the lives of pre-school and high-risk children.” Stop Hunger Now meals also are provided on site to children at the El Parasico school and at the Comunión H orphanage in Limón, where the children now are well-nourished and in generally good health.

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