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Kraft Heinz India & Stop Hunger Now...


Kraft Heinz India & Stop Hunger Now Launch Healthcare Outreach in India

Serving people in need in remote areas of India is the focus of a new partnership between the Kraft Heinz Company and Stop Hunger Now that grew out of a meal-packaging event last March with the Kraft Heinz India team.
The partnership includes providing mobile medical vans to the states of Bihar and Andhra Pradesh; delivering a milk and nutrition supplement to underprivileged children in the state of Odisha; coordinating the distribution of high-nutrient protein supplements to cancer patients in the city of Chennai; and holding a meal-packaging event. Together, we aim to reach 25,000 people by 2016. 
In Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, Stop Hunger Now will serve as the primary partner for Kraft Heinz India for a three-year, $330,000 project. The first van was launched September 2 in Bihar in partnership with Society for Action in Community Health. On hand for the launch was Shri Giriraj Singh, India’s minister of state micro, small and medium enterprises.

Heinz Mobile Healthcare Unit - India 2015 (2)
In Odisha, the year-long project will provide a milk and nutrition supplement to 500 children in a residential care unit. Kraft Heinz India is providing the nutrition supplement for free and providing the cost of the milk to the local partners. Stop Hunger Now is coordinating the $50,000 project, which launched on September 1st. 
In Chennai, the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu, we will coordinate distribution of 10,000 packets of Complan, a nutritional supplement drinks with protein, carbohydrate, and 26 vitamins and minerals, to patients undergoing treatment at the Adyar Cancer Institute.

In addition to packaging meals this October during World Hunger Action Month, Kraft Heinz India and Stop Hunger Now will be meeting with the company’s corporate social responsibility committee to talk about ideas and strategies for additional projects serving underprivileged populations.

Heinz Mobile Healthcare Unit - India 2015 (1)

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