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Make a Resolution to End Hunger in...


Make a Resolution to End Hunger in 2019!

With each new year, our goal to end hunger by 2030 feels even more tangible. The year 2030 is just 11 short years away, and we know we have to work even harder to ensure that zero hunger becomes reality. As you work on your New Year’s resolutions, we hope you’ll consider adding this to the list: Make a resolution to end hunger in 2019!

Ending world hunger can seem daunting, but there are so many ways for you to make a difference! Here are three ways to get started and kick off 2019 with a positive impact:

  1. Sign Our Pledge. Rise Against Hunger has hundreds of thousands of dedicated volunteers around the globe, and we could not achieve our goals without their help. Why not join the ranks of Hunger Champions worldwide by signing our Pledge to End Hunger today?
  2. Host a Meal Packaging Event. Now is the perfect time to take a look at your calendar for the year ahead. Does your church, civic group, workplace or other group have plans to volunteer? Meal Packaging Events are a fun, hands-on way to fight hunger. Get your event started now.
  3. Make a Monthly Gift. Join our community of Rise Against Hunger Allies for the year ahead! Our monthly supporters not only meet the daily needs of the individuals we provide with meals, but also provide funds needed for sustainable development programs. These programs are changing the futures of communities all over the world — with your help! Become an Ally today.

Thank you for helping us start 2019 off on the right foot. We look forward to everything we will accomplish this year, together.

The post Make a Resolution to End Hunger in 2019! appeared first on Rise Against Hunger.

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