With the recent changes in the Foreign Contributions Regulation Act (FCRA), Rise Against Hunger India has revised its partnership processes. Field units are being set up to deliver programs and projects in the communities as fund transfers to local organizations are prohibited under the new amendments. In these locations, we will be working with local organizations who have established strong community relationships and can play a very crucial role in building community connect. Our partnership for executing community projects will depend purely on the local context.
However, we do partner with organizations for our Nourishing Lives and Emergency Relief programs. Organizations running schools, orphanages, homes for the disabled and other vulnerable groups can partner with us to receive our fortified nutritious meals (this will be direct in-kind support with no fund transfers involved).
Before empaneling an organization for partnership, we undertake a due-diligence and field scrutiny process that assesses the capabilities of the organizations including their ability to provide regular reporting on the services rendered to the communities. If you are interested in partnership with Rise Against Hunger India, read the sections below and complete the application process.
Prospective partners for Rise Against Hunger India
At Rise Against Hunger India, we believe healthy, educated and empowered communities are the key to ending world hunger. We invest our food and other aid in programs that teach children and adults, or that provide health care and other services. These programs promote well-being and equip participants with the skills and knowledge to become active participants in the workforce and in their communities. For crisis response, we keep ourselves ready by having a list of pre-screened credible partner organizations that are able to respond quickly and effectively to support those who suffer through crises of all types, natural or man-made.
To learn more about this and other partnership opportunities (meal distribution, crisis response and other engagements), please read below.