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42,100 Rotarians Convene in Atlanta to...


42,100 Rotarians Convene in Atlanta to Put Service Above Self

Representatives from Rise Against Hunger recently attended the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, to interact with Rotarians from around the globe and to coordinate meal packaging. Rotarian Chris Jones, Rise Against Hunger Director of Global Organizations, shared his takeaways from the Convention.
Q: How does the Rise Against Hunger mission align with Rotary International’s core values and the interests that are most important to Rotary members?
A: Rise Against Hunger aligns with Rotary International’s mission of humanitarian aid. The Rotary Foundation has six areas of focus that are closely aligned with the work that Rise Against Hunger performs — including maternal and child health, economic development, literacy, disease prevention, clean water and sanitation (WaSH) and peace and conflict resolution.
Q: Over the last several years, Rise Against Hunger has created a large presence at the Rotary International Convention — an annual, global experience that brings together more than 40,000 members. What has been the benefit or significance to both the cause and Rotary International?
A: The biggest benefit is bringing the awareness to Rotarians globally that they can do an international hands-on, turnkey service project in their clubs. Rise Against Hunger makes it very easy for a Rotary club to engage in this service project by involving not only the club itself, but also the local community and other service clubs. This is a great project for the youth groups like Interact, Rotaract, RYLA and Rotary Youth Exchange students. And this project brings enhanced public image and membership growth opportunities to the local Rotary clubs.

Rotary members give back between

Q: From your personal perspective, what was the single most important happening at the Rotary International Convention 2017 in Atlanta?
A: 42,100 Rotarians engaging with each other from 174 different countries for the same purpose — serving mankind.
Q: As Rotary members find their way home around the world from the Rotary International Convention this year, what do you hope they will remember or share about their experience with Rise Against Hunger?
A: How fun it was, how easy it is to set up a service project like ours in their clubs, and how much awareness they now have about how Rise Against Hunger and Rotary work together to solve hunger. Rotarians have the breadth and resources to eradicate hunger, just like they have done with polio. Together we can make a significant impact on hunger in our world.

Q: Rotary International clubs are partnering globally with Rise Against Hunger in a big way. What’s your future vision for this partnership?
A: My vision is that within the next five years, Rotary will not only package in excess of 10 million meals per year, but that Rise Against Hunger is considered to be a preferred partner of Rotary International. When Rotary clubs engage at a higher level of sustainable development projects, then Rotary International will see the complete value that Rise Against Hunger brings to the clubs and members of Rotary.

Ready to get your Rotary Club involved in the movement to end hunger? Visit our Rotary page to find out how your Club can take action.

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