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Rise Against Hunger Releases 2019...


Rise Against Hunger Releases 2019 Public Policy Agenda

As we continue to work toward ending hunger by 2030, Rise Against Hunger is releasing its 2019 Public Policy Agenda!

At Rise Against Hunger, we know that while we serve an incredible number of people per year, the global need is far greater than those we can reach through our programs alone. Each year, Rise Against Hunger nourishes countless lives through the distribution of meals and other aid, thanks to the support of hundreds of thousands of volunteers. Still, 821 million people in the world don’t receive enough nutrition to live a healthy, active life. The need is great, and by raising our voices, we believe we can touch more lives, increase our impact and ultimately end hunger.

Rise Against Hunger’s three public policy priorities for 2019:

  • Create Access to Early Childhood Nutrition for All by emphasizing the importance of good nutrition in a child’s first 1000 days.
  • Establish Sustainable Food Production Systems & Resilient Agricultural Practices that will enable individuals to be resilient in the face of climate change, economic fluctuations and political instability and conflict.
  • Secure Adequate Resources for Food Security Around the World by supporting the preservation and expansion of resources for policies and programs that promote food security.

Together, we can make ending hunger a priority! Want to join us? Sign up to become a Hunger Champion today.

The post Rise Against Hunger Releases 2019 Public Policy Agenda appeared first on Rise Against Hunger.

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